Slavic Nightcore

Nascut din cultura anime si realitatea inconjuratoare, acest gen de nightcore este favoritul meu!
Ceea ce incerc eu de fapt,e sa-mi  pastrez o atitudine pozitiva, prin a creea versiuni  nightcore a melodiilor mele preferate din folclorul nostru romanesc si cel slavic.  
Mai jos sunt cateva exemple de pe canalul meu de youtube:

Born from a blend between anime culture and my surrounding reality, this type of Nightcore is my favourite! What I actually try to do is to keep a positive attitude by creating nightcore versions of my favourite songs from the Romanian folklore and the Slavic one.
Here you can find a few examples from my own Youtube Channel:

Lytics HERE : A Glory To You, Rus! Versions:
 Mother Earth is great, Rus The Great! Oh, how wide are your lands,
Through the golden fields Dazhdbog’s children came there.
 * Through the old eternal thickets, Through the distant lands,
 Our native brothers began their way – They are Dazhdbog’s sons.
 Raising our menacing flags up, We’ll revive the Rus of Bygone times!
We’ll keep the testament of Prav,**
 I swear to the Gods! Oh, Mother-night, daughter of Svarog, ***
I beg you to hide the ancient behests of ancestors,
 I beg you to hide them from an evil eye of enemy In the thickets of holy forests.
My heart was dying down When I said words hardly breathing: “A glory to you, my dear mother!
A glory to you, Russian soul!
 Through the old eternal thickets, Through the distant lands, Dear brother, let us say: “A glory to you, Rus, my Land!”
*Dazhdbog - one of the main gods in Slavic Mythology, originally the god of sunlight, fertility. **Prav - Yav (Jav), Prav and Nav (Navi) are three worlds described in the Book of Veles.
 References to them became popular among Ukrainians and Russian neopagans
 All three combine into Triglav that governs the Universe.
Yav is the material world in which we are right now.
Gods however are equally part of Yav.
Yav is contained within Nav. Nav (Navi) is the immaterial world, the world of the dead.
 Stars, which are the souls of the dead, as well as Svarga and Irij, are parts of Nav.
 Prav is the law of Svarog that governs both Yav and Nav.
 Modern parallels to this concept are laws of physics, but there is one big difference.
The law that says that a stone falls when dropped is not only a mere observable fact: it is rightful, good and just that stones fall to the ground when dropped.
A somewhat similar belief today is anthropic principle, but it only states that laws of physics are useful.

This concept is similar to Dharma in Hinduism and Buddhism. ***Night of Svarog - means the end of old times and the beginning of new ones. The new dawn of a new world.
